AXA - VHIS Product


Consumer Ratings

The Consumer Scores are based on 2,500 independent and unbiased affluent insurance customers of Hong Kong and Mainland Visiting Customers from the BENCHMARK 2020 Insurance Survey that includes 450+ metrics over four pillars of satisfaction. The Overall score is an aggregated score of the four pillars.

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Better Than Most

Overall Score out of 100%

Product Satisfaction

Better Than Most

Measures the satisfaction level of advisory, pre, and post-sale care, suitability, advocacy, and retention. A higher percentage means more satisfaction.

Cost of Product

The Rest

Measures whether the product is reasonably priced, the cost of product and fees, and the value-for-money perception. Newer products tend to have higher scores.

Satisfaction on R.O.I.


Policyholders' satisfaction considering what each dollar can buy, including claims frequencies and coverages, rewards on no claims, leverage ratios, and bonuses.

Product Innovation

Better Than Most

Customers' experiences in the product's ongoing renewal, new features, flexibility in terms, yields, and value-creation to their overall financial planning goals.


Expert Reviews

This product has been reviewed by five industry veterans | December 2020

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AXA - WiseGuard Pro Medical Insurance Plan

This VHIS product is a solid product that leverages AXA's core healthcare product series and enjoys the same benefits it offers from the product suite. It comes with different coverage options and deductible with a lifetime limit from HK$20M to $80M. The plan comes with a complimentary second medical opinion, case management, and a Nurse hotline, all quite friendly during Covid-19.  AXA packs a few fun features to the product, such as the AXA GOAL Programme has a different level of rewards that encourages their customers to strive for better health. Although not the first in the market, features are upgraded, and up to 20% discounts highly competitive.  The No Claim Discounts of up to 15% could be earned from having a healthier body.  AXA’s extensive medical network is a plus for this policy, as are worldwide assistance, China hospital admission deposit guarantee, complimentary second opinion, case management, nurse hotline, and BetterMe wellness support. An excellent overall package! 

Product Feature
Needs Alignment
Customer Care
Value For Money

Corporate Sustainability Performance

As of December 2020, AXA's financial rating has remained strong and stable: “AA-” (Stable Outlook; as of 16 Mar 2020) by Standard & Poor’s, “Aa3” by Moody’s (Stable Outlook; as of 5 Apr 2019) and “AA-” by Fitch (Stable Outlook; as of 5 Apr 2019).

The Group integrates ESG into the investment policy of the Participating funds and has a specifically high score in Human Rights and Labor Rights under the UN Global Compact Principles.

Financial Ratings
Environmental Score
Social Score
Governance Score
Global Compact Score

Top-Rated VHIS Products

The Consumer Scores are based on 2,500 independent and unbiased affluent insurance customers of Hong Kong and Mainland Visiting Customers from the BENCHMARK 2020 Insurance Survey that includes 450+ metrics over four pillars of satisfaction. The Overall score is an aggregated score of the four pillars.
